Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tube Fly: Senyo's Real EZ Emerald

A bait fish imitation that takes less than 3 minutes to tie!!! Great for Steelhead, Salmon, Small Mouth Bass, Large Mouth Bass, and a host of other predator fish.

Step #1: Take a piece of 1/2 inch Eumer x-small plastic tube and join it with a 1.0 inch piece of Eumer Medium plastic tube. At the junction point add a drop of Zap-A-Gap and form a tapered thread body.(Use red thread it becomes the gills on the pattern.)

Step #2: Attach a 1.0 inch piece of Hareline Dubbin Inc. Pearl Baitfish Emulator Flash material. Once you secure the material add a drop of Zap-A-Gap.

Step #3: Palmer the Pearl Emulator Flash over the red tapered thread body and secure.

Step #4: Attach a small clump of Emulator Flash material in olive over top of the pearl.

Step #5: Attach two small 3D prismatic chartreuse eyes, one on each side of the body. Secondly coat the entire head with a light amount of Loon UV Knot Sense. The coating should be just enough to coat everything evenly around the head. Note: A UV light or curing Lamp is needed to harden the head.

Final: Trim the pearl Emulator Flash under belly to a fishy looking taper from the tail to the head. Cut off excess x-small tubing, just leaving enough tube to melt a small mushroom with a lighter.

If you want to make it an egg stealing version, just add small 6mm egg bead before trimming tubing. Preferred hook for this pattern is the Gamakatsu drop shot #2.

Emerald Shiner Patterns produce results on Lake Erie Tributary Steelhead!!!

Our Lake Erie Steelhead feast on Emeralds in the big pond before returning to the streams. Steelhead that are in the rivers will still key in on them and take them year round. A must have in any Erie steelheader's Fly box.
This pattern is not just for swinging, but also utilized on the switch rod while dead drifting under an indicator through deep runs and pools.