Senyo's Sculpin tied for the Orvis Company and published in the Orvis News.

Step #1: Attach 6/0 Uni thread to Any Up turn black salmon hook, and wind toward rear of hook to just before hook point.
Step #2: Attach an upside down piece of dark olive 1/8 rabbit strip 2 inches long to rear of hook and secure.
Step #3: Attach 10 strands of Rainbow Flashabou over the rabbit strip, matching the length of the tail and secure.
Step #4: Dub an even body with Hareline peacock black Ice dub, leaving just alittle more than 1/4 of an inch in front of hook eye.
Step #5: Attach two olive grizzly marabou feathers to each side of the fly body, and the length of the feathers should just reach the front of the tail.
Step #6: Trim stems and excess marabou feather and secure.
Step #7: Pinch a large clump of Hareline's Peacock Black Ice Dub, and spread the center causing it to create a V in the material. Next you place the material through the hook with the V toward the wing. At this time the material should cover all the way around the hook.
Step #8: Make 12 tight securing wraps in the center of the Ice dub. Fold material back and bring thread to front of hook and apply securing wraps. ( Depending on how much dubbing you use this step may need repeated if to much space is left in front of hook eye.)
Step #9: Brush out all remaining loose Ice dubbing with a dubbing brush or a small wire brush, and form a small thread head. Whip finish or half hitch and cut off the thread.
Final: Trim Ice dubbing to form flat or tapered wide head. This pattern has become a standard in my fly box for Steelhead Alley. Pattern fishes well when alot of timber and/or debris is present in the pools and should be fished deep right on the bottom of the river where sculpins and gobies can be found.