Monday, January 25, 2016
Robinson's Shagnasty Shrimp
A few years ago, a new fly came about as I made a trip to the beautiful waters of Belize. I always like to carry something in my box th...
Monday, December 29, 2014
Tom Loving's "Gerbubble Bug" (Tutorial by Matt "Z" Zudweg)
If you've seen some of my other posts then you know of my fascination with Tom Loving's "Gerbubble Bug". It's a square...
Monday, January 20, 2014
Matt Zudweg's "Copper Stone"
This is a pattern I've used for many years, during the spring months for steelhead. Based off the classic brassie, it's a pretty si...
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Matt Zudweg's "Flux Capacitor"
This summer has been great for catching bass on a white streamer! Most summers I tend to favor yellow, but not lately... the bass of late s...
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Mike Decoteau's Roe Jimmy
Shank: 20mm Articulated Shank from Flymen Fishing Company Wire: 20 lb. Surflon American Fishing Wire Bead: 6mm Trout Bead Hook: Size ...
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