Monday, January 12, 2009

Robinson's Chicken Little


Fly Recipe
Hook: Daiichi 1560 size 8 or equivalent
Tail: Grizzly Chickabou (Sand)
Body: Hairline Midge Cactus Chenille (Bonefish Tan)
Collar: Mallard Flank (Woodduck Gold)
Head: McFly Foam (variety of colors)

STEP #1: Start white thread on a size 8 2x strong nymph hook and wind to
the start of the bend or even with the barb.

STEP #2: Choose two grizzly marabou feathers (sand color) and tie in with a tail
length equal to hook shank length. Wrap thread forward to the 2/3 to
3/4 mark on hook shank and clip off excess marabou. Return thread to
the start of the tail in preparation for chenille in next step.

STEP #3: Take midge cactus chenille (color bonefish tan) and tie in at
the start of tail. Advance thread forward to where the grizzly marabou was
clipped. Wrap chenille forward with wraps touching to where the marabou was
clipped. Tie off chenille and clip.

STEP #4: Select Mallard feather (color Woodduck Gold) and clip the "V" into
the top allowing for wings on either side of hook shank. Lay feather over
hook with tips slightly longer than the hook and take two loose wraps allowing
feather to move around the hook shank distributing the feather fibers evenly.

STEP #5: Make several more wraps over the Mallard feather and clip. Continue
to wrap down the remaining feather making an even thread base for the
McFly Foam in the next step.

STEP #6: Cut a 1 inch piece of McFly Foam (color of shown) and
double it over. Lay over hook shank and tie down in center with 8-10 wraps.

STEP #7: Pull McFly Foam up into a post type position and wrap around the
base just as you would for a parachute dry fly. Do so with 8-10 wraps of thread.
Next, wrap the thread to the front. Make several final wraps and whip finish.

STEP #8: Pull up McFly Foam and cut to a length of 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch.
Fluff the foam around the hook making an egg shaped head.

STEP #9: Turn the fly upside down and pull McFly Foam down and away
from the thread base. Next, add a drop of Zap-a-Gap or other adhesive and push
foam back into position.

STEP #10: Finally, primp the head to regain the egg shaped head. At this
point the fly is finished and ready to fish.

This fly is most effective fished in a dead drift manner under an indicator or being stripped slowly in front of fish in clear water.

Patrick "Flybum" Robinson
Head Guide
Steelhead Alley Outfitters