Monday, October 26, 2009

Robinson's Chicken Hawk

Here is a new early season fly that has just finished it's field testing and is working remarkably well. Inspired by it's larger brother the Chicken Little, this fly has been in conceptual form for some time. Recently, it was finally put into action and has become quite the little weapon. The fly is best fished in lower, clear water conditions when fish are pressured, stressed and not so willing to take. In such conditions, this fly has proven to be a real jewel.

Below is the step by step process for this simple tie. If you have any questions about this fly, feel free to contact me at

Hook: Daiichi 1120 size 14
Body: Hairline Midge Cactus Chenille - Chartreuse
Wing: Green-Wing Teal Flank Feather
Head: McFly Foam - Fl. Cerise
(Alternate color combos below)

Step #1: Start thread about the mid point of the
hook shankand wrap back to deep into the bend
of the hook. This is where your material will start.

Step #2: Take some Hairline chartreuse midge
cactus chenille and tie in deep in the bend of the
hook. After tie in, wrap thread forward to the
2/3 point of the hook shank.

Step #3: Wrap the cactus chenille forward to
about the 2/3 point of the hook shank capture
with thread and cut.

Step #4: Select a Green-wing Teal flank feather.
Stroke fibers in their natural direction and size up
the hackles to the hook. The hackle should protrude
slightly beyond the bend of the hook. Capture just
in front of the tie off point for the chenille and wrap
several times, then clip the excess hackle and wrap
down any remaining fibers.

Step #5: Take a 3/4 inch piece of Fl. Cerise Mcfly
Foam and lay over thread base that remains. Capture
the foam at its mid point and make 6 turns of thread
to secure it.

Step #6: Next, pull McFly Foam into and up
position and make 6-8 wraps around the base
making a post of foam. Take care to make sure all
wraps stay tight to each other if not directly on top of
each other. Once wrapped, whip finish and cut
the excess thread.

Step #7: Lastly, take sharp scissors and cut the
McFly Foam about 1/4" above the thread wraps
and trim up to form a very small foam head.

Final: The fly is now ready to be added to your box.


This pattern is designed to be a small enticer that will present well to fish under many of our early fall water conditions. Fish will readily take this offering under an indicator if water depth allows for it, or on a tight lined presentation.

Add a few of these to your box and be sure to drop a line to let us know how you do with them.

Patrick "Flybum" Robinson
Head Guide
Steelhead Alley Outfitters