Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Robinson's Munchable Minnow

Well, it's that time of year again. We are all getting excited for our favorite time of year...Steelhead season. The fresh chrome is coming in as we speak, so now seemed as good a time as any to finally get the Munchable Minnow up on the blog. Many have requested it and I apologize for the delay, but here it is. I hope you do as well with them as I do!

SAO Guide Patrick Robinson poses with his son after
a dropback hen slammed his Munchable Minnow

The Munchable Minnow can be tied in a number of different color combinations for different water conditions and/or species being targeted. This fly is deadly on our Steelhead, and equally as deadly on Bass and Pike. Tie a few up and get out there and give em' a shot.

- - - - - Creek Chub - - - - -
Hook: Daiichi 2441 - 1/0
Thread: White/Black Danville Flat Waxed Nylon
Tail: Hairline Black Barred Rabbit Strips - Crawfish Orange
Flash: Krystal Flash in Copper & Pearl
Collar: 5-7 Inch Schlappen - Orange
Head: Senyo Laser Dub - Brown,
Laser Yarn or Senyo Laser Dub - Tan
Ice Dub - Orange

Step 1: Tie in a rabbit zonker strip even with the hook point, leaving 2-3 inches for the tail. Pull Material out of the way and move the thread forward, half the distance to the eye of the hook. Palmer the remaining zonker strip forward to the halfway mark and capture. (use glue before palmering zonker to strenghten the tie)

Step 2: Tie in one piece (doubled) of copper and pearl Krystal Flash. Next, take one schlappen feather, prepare and tie in. Palmer forward 3-5 times and capture.

Step 3: Take two small clumps of Senyo Laser Dub and capture one on each side of the hook shank. Fold back the material and move the thread forward. Repeat until proper amount of material has been applied.

Step 4: Continue adding the desired material(s), starting with Laser Yarn or Senyo's Laser Dub and then switch to Ice Dub to finish the head. Be careful to comb out each layer after tying it in. Do so with a wire bristle brush. This will remove any loose material and ensure a stronger tie.

Step 5: After all the materials are tied in and the fly has been tied off with a whip finish, it is time to trim. Comb all material in the upper half up, and the material in the lower half of material down. Once this is done, trim the head materials at a 45 degree angle to the hook shank. Once trimmed comb back and give shape as seen below.

Step 6: Upon completion of trimming, comb everything back and place an eye on each side and do any touch up trimming that you may desire. Your fly is now read to hit the water.

For those of you interested in other color combos, here are the others I tie:

- - - - - Pumpkinseed - - - - -
Hook: Daiichi 2441 - 1/0
Thread: White/Black Danville Flat Waxed Nylon
Tail: Hairline Black Barred Rabbit Strips - Chartreuse
Flash: Krystal Flash in Pearl
Collar: 5-7 Inch Schlappen - Orange
Head: Laser Yarn - Yellow,
Ice Dub - UV Pink
Ice Dub - Orange
Eyes: 3/16" Silver Holographic Eyes

- - - - - Little Steelie - - - - -
Hook: Daiichi 2441 - 1/0
Thread: White/Black Danville Flat Waxed Nylon
Tail: Hairline Black Barred Rabbit Strips - Baby Blue
Flash: Krystal Flash in Pearl & Rainbow
Collar: 5-7 Inch Schlappen - Shrimp Pink
Head: Senyo's Laser Dub - Purple
Ice Dub - UV Pink
Ice Dub - Blue Steelie
Eyes: 3/16" Silver Holographic Eyes

- - - - - Sculpin - - - - -
Hook: Daiichi 2441 - 1/0
Thread: White/Black Danville Flat Waxed Nylon
Tail: Hairline Black Barred Rabbit Strips - Olive Variant
Flash: Krystal Flash in Pearl
Collar: - Large Woodduck or Dyed Mallard (Gold)
Head: Senyo's Laser Dub - Tan
Ice Dub - UV Pink
Ice Dub - Peacock Black
Eyes: 3/16" Silver Holographic Eyes

- - - - - White Lightning - - - - -
Hook: Daiichi 2441 - 1/0
Thread: White/Black Danville Flat Waxed Nylon
Tail: Hairline White Rabbit
Flash: Krystal Flash in Pearl
Collar: 5-7 Inch Schlappen - Kingfisher Blue
Head: Senyo's Laser Dub - Hot Pink
Ice Dub - UV Pearl
Eyes: 3/16" Silver Holographic Eyes

- - - - - Goby - - - - -
Hook: Daiichi 2441 - 1/0
Thread: White/Black Danville Flat Waxed Nylon
Tail: Hairline Black Barred Rabbit Strips - Medium Brown
Flash: Krystal Flash in Gold
Large Woodduck or Dyed Mallard (Gold)
Head: Senyo's Laser Dub - Tan
Ice Dub - Chartreuse
Ice Dub - Peacock
Eyes: 3/16" Silver Holographic Eyes

I hope that you find this fly to be a favorite in your fly boxes as they are for me. Now get out there and get some fresh Chrome and send us your photos to share with others.

Tight Lines and Good Ties!

Patrick "Flybum" Robinson
Head Guide
Steelhead Alley Outfitters