Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Senyo's A.I. "Artificial Intelligence"

Fresh Lake Erie Steelhead caught on a silver/rainbow version of the A.I.

Shank: 25mm Black Senyo Steelhead Shank
Thread: Black 6/0
Eyes: Medium Silver Bead Chain
Wire: Black Senyo Intruder Wire
Hot Spot: Chartreuse Krystal Flash Chenille
Body: UV Silver Polar Chenille
Under wing #1: Natural Lady Amherst Tail feather
Under wing #2: Iceabou Silver Grey Ghost
Over wing #1: Rainbow and Clear Flashabou
Over wing #2: Silver Black Fleck Flashabou
Hackle: Natural Grizzly Schlappen
Collar: Natural Guinea
Eyes: Jungle Cock (optional)

Step #1: Place a 25mm Steelhead Shank from Flymen Fishing Company in your vise. Attach your thread and close both open loops with several wraps. Cut off a 6 inch piece of Black intruder wire and secure it to the shank with several thread wraps. Take the tag ends through the front loop and fold over the top of the shank. Again tie down securely with several thread wraps. Adding glue for strength is optional.

Step #2: Cut off a section of 4 attached bead chain eyes and secure them to the bottom of the shank where both wires from the front loop come together. Wind back to the rear of the shank and tie in a 1 inch piece of Chartreuse Krystal Flash Chenille. Make a couple wraps toward the front and secure with several thread wraps.

Step #3: Tie in a 3 inch piece of UV Silver Polar Chenille and palmer toward the rear of the bead chain and secure.

Step #4: Tie in about 12 strands of 2 inch long Natural Lady Amherst Tail Feather.

Step #5: Take 10 strands of Silver Grey Ghost Iceabou that is roughly 4 inches long, and center tie it on top of the Lady Amherst. Fold the Iceabou over the top and secure with several thread wraps.  

Step #6: Tie in 12- 15 strands each of both Clear and Rainbow Flashabou.

Step #7: Tie in 12 strands of Silver Black Fleck Flashabou over the top.

Step #8: Palmer a 5-7 inch long piece of Natural Grizzly Schlappen both behind and in front of the bead chain.

Step #9: Palmer a nice collar with Natural Guinea feather.

Final: Add a set of Jungle Cock Eyes. This is optional... Your A.I. pattern should finish out around 4 inches.

Happy tying and fishing everyone!!!