Tied as published in Matt Supinski's December 2007 article in Fly Fisherman Magazine.
Wind thread to center of hook.
Step #2: Take a small amount of Flo. Pink Hareline Ice Dub and tie in center, so that even material sticks out both sides and secure to center of hook.
Step #3: With you free hand fold front section of ice Dub back over the top of rear exposed Ice Dub, and then give a few securing wraps of thread in front of the material. This forms the under belly of the minnow.
Step #4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 with a Hareline UV pearl Ice Dubbing. and secure thread in front of material. This section is the under wing and becomes the body of the minnow.
Step #5: Repeat steps 2 and 3 again this time with Hareline Steely Blue Ice Dubbing. This becomes the back on the minnow and finishes forming the fly body. Secure material with a few wraps of thread in front of material.
Step #6: Build a tapered head with your thread in front of the completed body. This will become the section were your eyes will be glued to in next step. With your tying scissors trim the rear of the wings to form an even minnow taper.( see photo above)
Step #7: Whip finish or half hitch thread in front of hook eye and cut thread. Second place one 3d prismatic Chartreuse eye or equivalent on each side of thread head you created, and secure with Zap A Gap or epoxy.( allow time to dry)
Final step: With a Sharpe red permanent marker make visible gill plates behind both eyes. The minnow is finished. This fast and practical minnow can be tied in several color combos to match any water condition, and is extremely effective on steelhead alley.