Thank you for visiting our fly tying blog! Here you will find free step-by-step instructions for fly patterns that we have found to be very successful while fishing on the Tributaries of Lake Erie known as " Steelhead Alley." You will also be able to see step-by-step instructions for warm water, tube, trout, and destinational fly patterns. If you would like to request a pattern tutorial that you do not see, please send requests to

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tube Fly- Simple Egg Stealing Leech

Step #1: Take a Salmon size egg bead (8mm) and drill out hole with 3/32 drill. Slide bead onto a 1.5 inch piece of Eumer Clear Small tubing. With Pink Uni 6/0 thread form an even thread base to slide bead onto. Note: Leave small amount of tubing exposed in front of bead.
Step #2: Add a drop of Zap A Gap to the thread base. Cut the thread and slide bead into position. Tie on Black Uni Thread 6/0 and wind to rear of tubing, leaving roughly 1/4 inch exposed for silicon connection tube.

Step #3: Attach a piece of 2 inch 1/8 cut Rabbit zonker strip and secure.( Add a drop of Zap A Gap for durability- optional.)

Step #4: Attach a 3 inch piece of black cross cut rabbit strip and secure.

Step #5: Wind the cross cut strip forward evenly around tube, leaving roughly a 1/4 inch in front of egg bead and secure.

Step #6: Attach 10 strands of Rainbow Flashabou over top of the black cross cut rabbit body. Second add a single plume of purple marabou. The feather should be folded around tube and extend to the base of the tail before securing.

Step #7: Form an even thread head and apply a small amount of Zap A Gap with a needle to the thread. Cut the tying thread and allow time to dry.

Final step: Melt tubing in front of bead evenly to the egg. attach a 1/2 inch piece of silicone tubing to the rear exposed tube and insert hook.( Diiachi X510 #8 shown here)